import { Server as SocketIO } from ""; import { Server } from "http"; import AppError from "../errors/AppError"; import { logger } from "../utils/logger"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import ListUserParamiterService from "../services/UserServices/ListUserParamiterService"; import { addHours, addMinutes, addSeconds, intervalToDuration, add } from "date-fns"; let io: SocketIO; //test del import createOrUpdateOnlineUserService from "../services/UserServices/CreateOrUpdateOnlineUserService"; import { splitDateTime } from "../helpers/SplitDateTime"; import format from "date-fns/format"; import ptBR from "date-fns/locale/pt-BR"; import ListUserOnlineOffline from "../services/UserServices/ListUsersOnlineOfflineService"; import { handleMessage, handleMsgAck } from "../services/WbotServices/wbotMessageListener"; import { join } from "path"; import Whatsapp from "../models/Whatsapp"; let count: number = 0; let listOnline: any[] = []; let listOnlineAux: any[] = []; let countOnline: number = 0; let obj: any = { listOnline: [], uuid: null, listOnlineAux: [] }; let lstOnline: any[] = []; let lstOnlineAux: any[] = []; let lstTry: any[] = []; let dateTime = splitDateTime( new Date(format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", { locale: ptBR })) ); export const initIO = (httpServer: Server): SocketIO => { io = new SocketIO(httpServer, { cors: { origin: process.env.FRONTEND_URL }, maxHttpBufferSize: 1e8 }); io.on("connection", socket => {"Client Connected"); socket.on("joinWhatsSession", (whatsappId: string) => {`A client joined a joinWhatsSession channel: ${whatsappId}`); socket.join(`session_${whatsappId}`); }); socket.on("message_from_client", () => { socket.emit("message_from_server", "Sent an event from the server!"); }); socket.on("message_create", async (data: any) => { handleMessage(data.msg, data); }); socket.on("media_uploaded", async (data: any) => { handleMessage(data.msg, data); }); socket.on("message_ack", async (data: any) => { handleMsgAck(, data.ack); }); socket.on("campaign_message_sent", async (data: any) => { console.log("campaign_message_sent: ", data); const io = getIO(); let campaign = {}; if (data?.read) { campaign = { id:, read: }; } else if (data?.sent) { campaign = { id:, sent: data.sent }; } else if (data?.status) { campaign = { id:, status: data.status }; } io.emit("campaign", { action: "update", campaign }); }); socket.on("online", (userId: any) => { // console.log('userId: ', userId) obj.uuid = uuidv4(); if (userId.logoutUserId) { let index = lstOnline.findIndex( (x: any) => == userId.logoutUserId ); if (index != -1) { lstOnline.splice(index, 1); } index = lstOnlineAux.findIndex((x: any) => == userId.logoutUserId); if (index != -1) { lstOnlineAux.splice(index, 1); } return; } if (lstOnline.length == 0) { const index = listOnlineAux.findIndex((e: any) => == userId); if (index == -1) { listOnlineAux.push({ id: userId }); } else { return; } lstOnline.push({ id: userId, status: "online", try: 0 }); lstOnlineAux.push({ id: userId }); console.log(" 1 PUSHED NEW USER ID 1: ", userId); obj.listOnline = lstOnline; } else { const indexAux = lstOnlineAux.findIndex((e: any) => == userId); if (indexAux == -1) { lstOnlineAux.push({ id: userId }); } const index = lstOnline.findIndex((e: any) => == userId); if (index == -1) { lstOnline.push({ id: userId, status: "online", try: 0 }); console.log(" 2 PUSHED NEW USER ID: ", userId); obj.listOnline = lstOnline; } else { if (countOnline > lstOnline.length - 1) { lstOnline.forEach((x: any) => { if ( any) => { x.try = 0; x.status = "online"; } }); var difference = lstOnline.filter( (x: any) => ! any) => ); if (difference.length > 0) { difference.forEach(e => { e.try += 1; if (e.try > 1) { e.status = "waiting..."; } if (e.try > 3) { const index = lstOnline.findIndex((x: any) => ==; if (index != -1) { lstOnline.splice(index, 1); } } }); } obj.listOnline = lstOnline; obj.listOnlineAux = lstOnlineAux; lstOnlineAux = []; listOnlineAux = []; countOnline = -1; } countOnline++; } } exports.ob = obj; }); socket.on("joinChatBox", (ticketId: string) => {"A client joined a ticket channel"); socket.join(ticketId); }); socket.on("joinNotification", () => {"A client joined notification channel"); socket.join("notification"); }); socket.on("joinTickets", (status: string) => {`A client joined to ${status} tickets channel.`); socket.join(status); }); socket.on("disconnect", (data: any) => {`Client disconnected socket: ${data}`); }); socket.on("disconnecting", async () => { console.log("socket.rooms: ", socket.rooms); // the Set contains at least the socket ID let rooms = socket.rooms; console.log("rooms: ", rooms, " | rooms.size: ", rooms.size); if (rooms && rooms.size == 1) return; if (rooms && rooms.size == 2 && ![...rooms][1].startsWith("session_")) return; let whatsappIds: any = await Whatsapp.findAll({ attributes: ["id"], raw: true }); if (whatsappIds && whatsappIds.length > 0) { whatsappIds = any) => `${}`); console.log( "whatsappIds whatsappIds whatsappIds whatsappIds whatsappIds: ", whatsappIds ); if ( rooms && rooms.size == 2 && [...rooms][1].startsWith("session_") && whatsappIds.includes([...rooms][1].replace("session_", "")) ) { console.log([...rooms][1]); let whatsappId = [...rooms][1].replace("session_", ""); const whatsapp = await Whatsapp.findByPk(whatsappId, {}); if (whatsapp) { await whatsapp.update({ status: "OPENING" }); io.emit("whatsappSession", { action: "update", session: whatsapp }); } } } }); }); return io; }; export const getIO = (): SocketIO => { if (!io) { throw new AppError("Socket IO not initialized"); } return io; }; function writeFileAsync(arg0: any, data: any, arg2: string) { throw new Error("Function not implemented."); } // exports.listOnlineUsers = listUserId // exports.listUserId