import ffmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg"; import util from "util"; import { exec as execCallback } from "child_process"; const exec = util.promisify(execCallback); async function convertAudioToOgg( inputFile: string, outputFile: string ): Promise { try { const command = `ffmpeg -i ${inputFile} -c:a libopus ${outputFile}.ogg && rm ${inputFile}`; const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(command); console.log("Conversion finished"); console.log("stdout:", stdout); console.error("stderr:", stderr); } catch (error) { console.error("Error:", error); throw error; } } function convertAudioToWav( inputFile: string, outputFile: string ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const command = ffmpeg(inputFile) .audioCodec("pcm_s16le") // Set the audio codec to libvorbis (OGG) .format("wav") // Set the output format to OGG .on("end", () => { console.log("Conversion finished"); resolve(); // Resolve the promise when the conversion is successful }) .on("error", (err: any) => { console.error("Error:", err); reject(err); // Reject the promise if there is an error }); // Save the output to the specified file; }); } export { convertAudioToWav, convertAudioToOgg };